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Consulting Services

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Economic Impact Analysis of Supplier Diversity Programs

Measure economic and fiscal impact in area communities​

Pre- and Post-Disparity Research Consulting


  • Project and Program Management

    • Provide day-to-day project management for disparity and availability studies

    • Contract management

  • Data Analytics

    • Quantitative and Qualitative data collection and assessment.

    • Comprehensive database creation for enhanced reporting and compliance monitoring

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Supplier Diversity Program and Policy Research


Evaluation, development, and implementation of supplier diversity programs

Selected practices research for creative and effective program enhancements

Community and Stakeholder Engagement


Community outreach and management

Meeting and group facilitation

Multi-layered communication plans

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Program Evaluation & Design


Evaluation, development, and implementation of supplier diversity programs

Selected practices research for creative and effective program enhancements

Pre- And Post-Disparity Research Consulting

Quantitative data evaluation and recommendations

Create comprehensive databases for data analysis

Contract management and reporting

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Project & Program Management

Create complex multi-tasked schedules to manage project tasks and workflow.

Download Capabilities Statement

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